June 19, 2015:

Name: Diane Guibert Griswold
Email address: griz@wavecable.com
Spouse's name: Jim
Years married:
Number of Children:
Number of Grandchildren:
Number of Great-Grandchildren:
Education: BS Fisheries Science 1990
Career/Work Info: Liberty Mutual Insurance & NMFS (part of NOAH).
Company or Business name:
Your status now:
Future plans:
Comments or information: Jim & I met while commuting to work on the ferry (I worked at Liberty Mutual Insurance in downtown Seattle & he worked for PNB). We married in February 1962. Son, Matt was born in 1966 and I opted to be a stay-at-home mom. When Matt was a junior in HS, I started working for NMFS (a part of NOAH) and started taking classes at a community college in Tacoma. Went on to U of W & graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Science in 1990.