Name: Cathie Jeffers
Email address:
Spouses name: Divorced
Years married:
Number of Children: 1 Daughter 1 Son
Number of Grandchildren: 6 (3 natural; 3 adopted)
Number of Great-Grandchildren: 1
Education: University of Washington
Career/Work Info: Worked for 25 years in Medical field and then switched to computers
Company or Business name: Owned a silk flower business (weddings, arrangements, office displays)
Notable Achievements: Adjunct professor at Olympic College where I designed and taught computers to seniors.
Your status now: Software Computer Consultant to a large building company based in Los Vegas
Future plans: Enjoy life and travel
Todays date: 7/20/10
Comments or information: Although I did not graduate from South Kitsap, I was pleased to be included in the reunion. I attended Orchard Heights, Marcus Whitman, and part of my sophomore year at South. My father was a Navy physician. He was promoted to Medical Officer at the shipyard and we had to live on base. I attended West High for the remainder on my sophomore and junior year. Dad was transferred to Alameda, Ca. for my senior year which was difficult. The day after graduation I was on my way back to Washington to attend the University of Washington where I joined Tri-Delta sorority. I have lived in Washington ever since.