3. Dave Ojima
5. Judy Torgusen Oke
6. Wayne & Jan Grosso Collins, Bob & Bette Capin Riebli, Bob & Betty Lou Davis Sauget, Ted & Sandy Carter Schmitz and Tom & Gloria Tharp White
8. Wolf
9. Tom Hughes
11. Jacque Ramage Lindberg, Janet Lundberg Pugh & Judy Ross Swanson (all were present at the reunion)
12. Jack Gaudette
14. Jeff McClintock
15. 3 times
16. Gloria Tharp White
17. Margi Tiffany Grigsby & Judy Torgusen Oke (there may be others - let us know)
18. Wayne Collins
20. Dale Mangels
21. Steve Albert
22. 239 students
23. Barbara Johnson Gostelli & Jan Grosso Collins (there are probably others - let us know)
24. Brad Kreidler
Note: The SK Quiz was designed by Judy Torgusen Oke and read at the 50th Reunion on July 31, 2010 as entertainment.