South Kitsap High School Class of 1960 40th Reunion

Row one: Chet Meigs, Gloria Tharp White, Wayne Collins, and Paul Laudermilk

Row two: Tom Beck, Walt Nearhoff, Norma Hueske Godsey, Pat Purdy Ormiston, Judy Torgusen Oke, Janet Hunter McCrory, Jeanne Wilson Arvidson, Betty Davis Sauget, Diane Guibert Griswold, Jacque Ramage Lindberg, Joyce Granquist Adams, Jeanne Ninneman Burger, Joann Harstad Douglas and Patsy Stephens Lamberton

Row three: Stanley Mundy, Jack Gaudette, Buford Dale, Tom Lester, Dave Ojima, Sherry Rowe Stenberg, Bonnie Carraway Weyerich, Janet Lundberg Pugh, Margi Tiffany Grigsby, Diane Morrow Maffia, Jeanne Hay Dunn, Jan Grosso Collins, Rebecca Anderson Dally, Kaye Tellvik Gill, Judy Mares Swain, Janet Mares Webster, Billie Barlett Sundell, Diana Harris Sargent, Kathie Everist, Liz Root-Corliss Clark, John Grupp, Mary Frances Shellenberger Swift, and Mike Dick

Row four: Fred Williams, John Atkins, Roberta Burke Morris, Gloria Staats Medley, Diana Craig Worms, Lee Parker, Judy Ross Swanson, Sam Comstock, Georgia Wilkinson Ramsey, Leon McCabe, Bob Sauget, unrecognizable, Tom White, Bob Riebli, Richard Eger, Jo Hunter Reasons, Norman Hamilton, Ervin Lemon, Carolyn Mattson Yu, Ray Chico and Jim Cady

The organizing committee were:  Tom and Gloria Tharp White (chairpersons), Jacque Ramage Lindberg, Kathie Everist, Jeanne Ninneman Burger, Jack Gaudette, Janet Lundberg Pugh, and Jan Grosso Collins.  We owe all of them a great big thank you!
Held on July 15, 2000 at McCormick Woods in Port Orchard
If you are not identified correctly or attended but are not listed, please let us know.
email me
Attending but not in the photo is JoAnn Chamberlin Gates.